How to move current AWS media folder to new website


Our company currently uses AWS to host the media files for our website. We are in the process of developing a new site and would like to continue to use AWS for the same purpose. How easy is it to use the same folder but just use it on the new site. As you can tell, I know very little about this but just trying to get a handle on what's possible. thank you!

preguntada hace 9 meses172 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta


I am assuming the media files are stored in an S3 bucket. Do you happen to know if you are using CloudFront (which caches the site)? I'd need more information to be able to fully assist. Generally speaking, your media files are publicly available from the S3 bucket or the CloudFront cache. If they are public, then these files can be accessible from any other site via the URL of the media file.

Hope this helps, if it does please accept this answer and give it a thumbs up

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