Free Trial of Lightsail Instance


I made a 10-dollar-per-month Lightsail instance on the 13th of December 2022, and this is the only Lightsail instance that I have created ever.

As you can see in the image, It says the instance is free for the first 3 months.

  1. Will my free trial continue until the 13th of March, or it will end at the end of February?

  2. When the 3-month trial of this 10-dollar instance ends, will I again have 3 months free for 3.5-dollar and 5-dollar instances available?

Amazon Lightsail instance first 3 months trial

preguntada hace un año494 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta
Respuesta aceptada

My Free trial ended in 13th of March and I cannot use any instance within any region for free.

respondido hace un año
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revisado hace 13 días

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