site is not working want to know last activity


hello my site is not working today i face this problem in past 2 time please start my website and tell me last activity on site before stopped

preguntada hace 2 años236 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta


There is not enough information provided to help you troubleshoot your website.

  • If your site is running on EC2, you may need to start the instance
  • If your site is running on Lightsail, you may need to restart the instance
  • If your site is running on Elastic Beanstalk, you may need to restart the instance

If you restart the instance and the website is still not back up, you may need to restart the web server.

If the instance was turned off and turned back on, you may have a new IP assigned if you are not using an Elastic IP and you may need to update your DNS records to reflect the updated IP address.

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respondido hace 2 años

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