BARSAccessLoggingBucketE36DE718 issue while testing on personal aws account


I was trying to deploy the personal BONESBootstrap stack for testing purpose by following this guide. over here I am getting an error "Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidBucketAclWithObjectOwnership; Request ID: E65HF8VMTQADR9NV; S3 Extended Reques t ID: 4AUunNPe5E+Ksuy8LBlO/JoKerYbsbFXnvPc3q/T/NlxDeuO9fRsWH/WFd+N8B2HRODtq7VmS8k=; Proxy: null"

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1 réponse

It is likely that the S3 bucket ACLs are disabled.

Open "Permissions" from the target S3 bucket screen and set "Block public access" as follows.

Also, try "ACLs enabled" in the "Object Ownership" settings.

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