Lightsail container - specific public port



i would like to deploy a lightsail container, and only expose port 4569/udp over internet. It looks like if I don't activate http or https port, I can't select this container as public endpoint. However, this container doesn't run any http/https service, so helth check can't work, and the deployment fails.

Did I miss someting in my configuration ? Is there a way to do this ?



demandé il y a 2 ans751 vues
2 réponses


Thank you for using Amazon Lightsail Container Services. Unfortunately, it's not possible to select a container that does not have an HTTP/HTTPS port open as a public endpoint. This means you won't be able to expose port 4569/udp over the Internet directly.

However, if you were to add another container to your Container Service that does have a HTTP/HTTPS service running on it, that container would be able to communicate to your container that only has a UDP port open. One idea is to set up a proxy container that communicates to the Internet via HTTP/HTTPS and forwards requests along to the UDP container. You could also edit the UDP container directly to use HTTPS traffic instead of UDP.

I've taken this use case back to the team as feedback. Thank you for using Amazon Lightsail!


répondu il y a 2 ans

Hi Maxwell,

thank you for your quick and precise answer. I'll have a look in this way.


répondu il y a 2 ans

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