Managed compute environment, launches m4 instead of m5


We migrated a few of our scheduled jobs to run aws batch and i have a few questions about the behaviour that i cant find online.

The auto scaling groups provisions m4 instances instead of m5s? which would be cheaper, is there a reason for this?
The allowed instances is on "optimal" which indicates this(i'll admit i didnt read this at the time of creating the environment).

The other question is, whenever it scales up an instance, it keeps it alive for a minimum of 10 minutes even if there are no jobs in a runnable status,
is this intended? I read that at the end of the ec2 billing cycle it will check if there are no jobs that are runnable and then scale down, which is weird to me because i read that ec2 is per second billing?

Kind Regards and thanks in advance

demandé il y a 5 ans215 vues
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This is expected behavior in Batch. When scaling up an instance, Batch does assume that you will be submitting more jobs and waits before termination (to prevent spin-up/spin-down).

If you would like Batch to launch M5, please include that as an instance type (you can do it next to 'optimal').

répondu il y a 5 ans

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