AWS Timestream query: How to extrapolate latest value


I have a number of devices that are pushing their measured values to AWS TS only when the values has changed. When I pull a graph of my devices history, I want to see all the values up until NOW... Which I don't have because the time series stop at the latest value that was recorded. Is there a way to extrapolate (with a query) the value at now() based on the last value?

demandé il y a 2 ans272 vues
2 réponses
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I solved my problem by adding the last known value at the end of the time series, before interpolating.

répondu il y a 2 ans

Timestream query does not support extrapolation. Please check to see if you can use the interpolation functions to help you get the data.

répondu il y a 2 ans
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