Unexpected Billing Issue with Amazon Web Services



I am writing to bring to your attention an issue concerning my Amazon Web Services (AWS) account. At the beginning of my apprenticeship, I heard about AWS and decided to create an account to explore its services. I attempted to create an S3 bucket but stopped midway. This was about two or three months ago.

Today, when checking my bank account to verify the deposit of my apprenticeship salary, I was shocked to find that my account was overdrawn by more than 900 euros. Upon further investigation, it appears that 1,600 euros have been deducted from my account by AWS.

I am genuinely puzzled as to how these charges were incurred, as to my knowledge, I have not used any paid services on AWS. I would like to understand how this could have happened and what steps I should take to get in touch with AWS customer service in order to resolve this issue.

Thank you in advance for your help, and I look forward to hearing from you regarding this matter.

Best Regards,

2 réponses

You can view your AWS bill to see what charges were incurred by your account. If anything seems out of the ordinary, be sure to enable MFA as that is always best practice (not just for AWS but for anything over the Internet). If you feel like your account has been compromised in anyway, it would be best to open a Support Case to see how Support can help recoup any charges, but this is no guarantee.

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its continue 500 for this current month how i can stop this ???

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