Running NextJS on ECS + Fargate


Hi! Would like to know if it is possible to deploy a NextJS app with SSR on AWS ECS + Fargate? After deploying I face a 500 server error, and googling returns a similar issue here:

Would love to know if anyone has experience with this. Thanks!

  • can you check the container logs to see what's causing the 500 server error?

demandé il y a 2 ans2300 vues
1 réponse


The Amplify framework currently does not provide support for SSR with Next JS on ECS Fargate.

Please track the github issue 8049 that you've posted in the question for future updates about the feature request.

Please feel free to provide detailed explanation of your use-case and code-snippets on the Amplify project issues page to get direct advice from Amplify developers.

profile pictureAWS
répondu il y a 2 ans

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