Upload Image with RestAPI from api Gateway to the S3 bucket but can't open file not support


I have tried creating a rest api system for uploading images to s3 bucket. During the upload the response I received was 200 which looks normal and the data came up in s3 bucket. But when I tried Open to view images or download images to view and find that there is a notification that the file is not supported. I don't know what caused this problem either. Whether trying through the app that I wrote or Postman, I encountered this problem. the api setting binary file is /image/jpeg /image/png /image/jpg

File upload binary in postman with 200 response file show in s3 when open image in s3 when open file that download from s3

1 réponse


Could you please check this article and compare if you setup the API Gateway as mentioned? Also, suggest trying with a curl command as mentioned in the article.

Hope this helps!

Thanks, Rama

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