Possibility of Live Migration of AWS resources to separate billing account



Kindly update on process of migrating AWS resources (In production/running resources) to new account with different billing entity/organization.

demandé il y a 3 mois162 vues
1 réponse


When creating AWS resources, it is possible to convert the existing environment configuration to CloudFormation using the IaC generator.

There are multiple ways to migrate data, but basically I think there will be no problems if you migrate using the method described in the document below.

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répondu il y a 3 mois
  • Hello,

    To simpilify, the requirement is

    • AWS resources part of AWS (First Organization - A) should move as is to AWS (Second Organization - B).
    • Organization - A and B are different entities and needs separate invoices and would be paid by different entities. Organization (B) needs to be a separate entity and not part of Organization (A).
  • AWS resources part of AWS (First Organization - A) should move as is to AWS (Second Organization - B).

    By leaving the resources as is, do you mean that you want to migrate while also retaining the resource IDs (e.g. EC2 instance IDs)? I don't think it can be done in that case. For resources between accounts, the process involves creating resources at the migration destination and then migrating the data, so it is not possible to transfer resources completely as is.

    Organization - A and B are different entities and needs separate invoices and would be paid by different entities. Organization (B) needs to be a separate entity and not part of Organization (A).

    Even if they belong to different organizations, I think you can just recreate the resources and migrate the data. However, as explained above, you cannot move your resources in their entirety to another AWS account.

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