RDS Backup and GDPR


A customer asked if there is any simple way to comply with a GDPR request to remove client data when they have RDS Backups that may contain that customer data.

Is there a simple way to remove the data from the backups vs having to load a backup into RDS and remove the data and then retake the backup? Do they even need to do this for GDPR? Any other compliance that this might come into play with?

demandé il y a 3 ans561 vues
1 réponse
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GDPR is somewhat lenient in that regard. You don't necessarily need to remove data, but you do need to advise the customer what data may be retained in backups, and the retention policy on the backups. Also, a good move to have a mechanism in place to ensure if backups are restored, that the live data is removed/modified in accordance with GDPR requests.

An example from: https://www.itgovernance.eu/blog/en/the-gdpr-how-the-right-to-be-forgotten-affects-backups-2#:~:text=According%20to%20France's%20GDPR%20supervisory,outlined%20in%20your%20retention%20policy).

"According to France’s GDPR supervisory authority, CNIL, organisations don’t have to delete backups when complying with the right to erasure.

Nonetheless, they must clearly explain to the data subject that backups will be kept for a specified length of time (outlined in your retention policy)."

répondu il y a 3 ans

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