AWS-Sysops administrator associate level



I plan to prepare for the Amazon Web Services Sysops Administrator Associate Exam.

Udumy is working for me, but I can't sit continuously, so I made more gaps to study...

My office has given me a goal to reach by the end of next month.

How to prepare for exams so far and read constantly and give me tips to complete exam as soon as possible.

Anyone suggests me exam topics and study guide and flow of study?


2 réponses

Hands-on experience with AWS services is crucial to understanding how they work and how they can be used in different scenarios in the exam. Sign-up on AWS Skills Builder has many hands on practical scenarios. Check out the Ramp-Up Guide.

Keep on learning 😉

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répondu il y a un an
  • Hey @Muhammed,

    Thanks for your guidance.

    It will very helpful for me.



please look at this article I wrote some time ago:

At the end of if it mentions my tips and resources to study, links in the article.

  • Exam Readiness, Sample questions and whitepapers
  • Whizlabs Hands-on labs only.
  • GitHub Exam Labs
  • Udemy course — Stephane Maarek
  • Exam Practice — Tutorial Dojo
  • Extra Tips

Hope it helps ;)

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répondu il y a un an
  • Hey @Alatech,

    Thanks for your valuable guidance.

    Here Extra Tips page only having 404 error.

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