How can Deactivate GLUE as a service ?


I can see that the the GLUE service appeared on my billing management , How can I eliminate any GLUE related process completely and permanently? although my AWS glue is empty

demandé il y a 4 mois359 vues
1 réponse
Réponse acceptée

You neither can deactivate Glue service in your account nor you need to, for avoiding cost related to Glue.

All you need to make sure is, there are no Glue jobs, workflows, crawlers, catalog, DB, triggers, which may consume AWS resources. Easiest way to find that, there are no charges coming from Glue service is:

Go to Cost Explorer -> Choose Date Range in right pane

Granularity -> Daily

Dimension -> Usage Type

Service -> Glue

Keep repeating this by changing the Dimension to "API Operation", "Availability Zone", "Region". If you do not see any charges for Glue, you are good and you need not to think about deactivating Glue as service.

Hope this helps, comment here if you have additional questions.

profile pictureAWS
répondu il y a 4 mois
  • Thankyou very much for your clear and explicit answer. After following your instructions I found it started from the 10th of this month but is incurring 0 USD$ as a charge? Could it be due to activating the budget alarm and SNS? and could it be zero due to the fact that it is the final month in the free tier

  • If it's showing zero and you have made sure there are no active glue resources, such as jobs, workflows, triggers etc, you are good.

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