OpenSearch [elasticsearch] elasticsearch/client.go:407 Cannot index event publisher.Event


I started to notice there are random error throw at my OpenSearch Log with :

Cannot index event publisher.Event

My cluster, indices are all in health state, with no jvm or cpu above 80%. Not sure what is causing it, and in the index block, i see

`"blocks" : {
          "write" : "false"

Wondering if because it is missing the setting "read_only_allow_delete" : "false",

demandé il y a 2 ans838 vues
1 réponse

By default "read_only_allow_delete" will be false, so if not seeing this setting then it will be the default "false" in AWS Opensearch. Regarding the error "Cannot index event publisher.Event" its looks to be a generic error, hence if you enable debug in the client side then can get descriptive error messages.

Additionally you can enable error logs in the cluster which can help for the troubleshooting.

Enabling error logs - Viewing Error logs -

répondu il y a 2 ans

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