is it possible to use JSON Numeric aggregation functions in API gateway map


As the subject says, I am looking if it is possible to use JSON Numeric aggregation functions in API gateway mapping templates?
I have the below template and I would want to add the "ttl" column as a future date.
"TableName": "api",
"Item": {
"ingestId": {
"S": "$context.requestId"
"ttl": {
"N": "$context.requestTimeEpoch"

So I wanted to try the sum() function of the request Epoch time and some number to get a future date as the result.
Any suggestions and inputs are welcome.

demandé il y a 3 ans368 vues
1 réponse

I had to use the set variable before the JSON structure. I was trying it inside and was failing at the syntax validation.
#set($milliseconds = $context.requestTimeEpoch + 2*86400000)

This sets the milliseconds variable to current epoch + 2 days and this variable can be used in subsequent JSON.

répondu il y a 3 ans

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