I can't validate the Lightsail cdn SSL certificate and I don't know why?


I cannot validate the Lightsail cdn SSL certificate.

I used this tutorial as base to set the certificates:


I followed this procedure. 01- I entered the CDN area, chose the plan and added the origins.

02 - After that I went to Custom Domains. I created the certificates by generating the keys to be added to the CNAMES. Print screen link as procedure reference


I'm using lighsail's own DNS zone manager.

04 - I go to the lighsail DNS zone and add the CNAMES with name and value.

Print screen link as procedure reference


05 - I wait for the validation, which after passing the 72 hours does not activate.

I tried this validation with SSL enabled on the Lightsail CDN and without SSL enabled, but none worked.

I followed the light sai tutorials and couldn't figure out what I'm doing wrong. If anyone has any ideas.

I'm already thanking you for your help.

demandé il y a 2 ans1042 vues
2 réponses
Réponse acceptée

The only error I see is that for the CNAME entry starting with _4901, you are missing the www in the FQDN. Do a DNS lookup on this CNAME and you would find that it returns a response for FQDN starting with _4901 but without www and no response for the same FQDN with www included

In other words, for the screenshot in 01.png one CNAME returns a response and the other does not. Maybe fixing this would ensure SSL validation


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répondu il y a 2 ans
  • Thanks, I figured out what's wrong and basically when I was trying to register the domain I forget to copy the www. I was try linke that: _4901abe5de0d8cf29f6b54b83196fdf0. but to register the dns I should pass like that: _4901abe5de0d8cf29f6b54b83196fdf0.www.

    that was my mistake.

    Thank you for your help.


I figured out what's wrong and basically when I was trying to register the domain I forget to copy the www. I was trying like this: _4901abe5de0d8cf29f6b54b83196fdf0.

I was trying to register a www domain without the www

but to register the dns I should pass like that: _4901abe5de0d8cf29f6b54b83196fdf0.www.

On the CNAME to register as WWW.

that was my mistake.

Thank you for your help.

répondu il y a 2 ans

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