Change EFS storage classes availability from Regional to One zone


How do I change my provisioned (in use) EFS storage class from a multi zone "Regional" setup to a "One zone" setup. (I did not find a clear option to do this on the EFS management console, or any documentation)

demandé il y a 2 ans1056 vues
1 réponse
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Hello nadavkav, this setting cannot be changed after creation:

in the aws cli there isn't this option

Thanks Joel

répondu il y a 2 ans
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vérifié il y a 2 mois
  • Thank you Joel.

    So my workaround is: I have created a new EFS FS with "One zone" storage class, and I am syncing my data to this new storage. When the sync process is done, I will switch between them and delete the old one.

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