Patching with no internet - Linux 2


Hello all.

I couldn't find solid information on the AWS site, but I am making an assumption I want clarified on please.

I am deploying some Linux 2 Instances and understand they can be patched using Patch Manager. It appears that the standard repos are amazon based and accessible regardless of whether the instance has access to internet. Is this correct, or does the instance need access to internet to download patches, like any other machine ?

Many thanks.

demandé il y a 5 ans531 vues
1 réponse

According to this link,
The AWS Systems Patch Manager will use one of these equivalent commands to patch Amazon Linux 2 depending on the security option:

sudo yum update-minimal --sec-severity=critical,important --bugfix
sudo yum update --security --bugfix

These commands will require Internet access to patch your EC2 Instance.

Hope this helps,

répondu il y a 5 ans

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