FTP to S3 bucket


What is the best way to transfer files from FTP to an S3 bucket

demandé il y a 10 mois2594 vues
3 réponses

Hello, thank you for your question. Could you share more details about your use case so we can better assist you? You can use an AWS Transfer Family FTP-enabled server upload and download data to and from S3. More details about creating an FTP-enabled server can be found here.

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I would like to download ~1TB to an S3 bucket from a public data depository. One option is through FTP although there is an option to use Globus

répondu il y a 10 mois

You can put SFTP or FTPS in front of the bucket using AWS Transfer Family. Note that if the source is initiating a connection over the internet to a public endpoint (which appears to be the case here) then plain FTP cannot be used, only SFTP or FTPS https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/aws-sftp-endpoint-type

Uploading 1TB will take a long time (at a sustained 100Mbps it will take about a day).

Away from (S)FTP if you are aiming to upload a relatively small number of very large files, S3 multipart upload may be more suitable https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/mpuoverview.html

There is a useful knowledge document about using multipart upload here https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/s3-multipart-upload-cli

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