AWS WebSocket Lambda Authorizer 403 error


Hi, I am trying AWS WebSocket API with Request Lambda authorizer, the API GW always return 403 or denied though the Lambda authorizer returns allowed result.
Looks like there are 2 versions of the Lambda response format with 2nd version having explicit "isAuthorized".

I am using the default version 1 and haven't checked how to config to user version 2 yet. <br> However, I am expecting version 1 to work too.

Here is an example response from the Lambda authorizer:

    "principalId": "*",
    "policyDocument": {
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Resource": [
    "context": {
        "HeaderAuth1": "cmsn=s001&ts=10162023&signature=abcde12345",
        "isAuthorized": true 

I've tried different values for principalId since we don't have one as the TOKEN authorizer case. If I move "isAuthorized" to top level in the response as format v2, API GW says it's unrecognized - guess I need config it to use version 2?

Any clue about possible cause?

Thanks in advance!

  • The log from API GW is: "The client is not authorized to perform this operation."

  • BTW, I saw this error from the Lambda authorizer's trigger which is the API WebSocket API in the AWS console: "The API with ID 7rypk365yl doesn’t include a route with path /* having an integration arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:370783930566:function:apigwLambdaAuthorizer."

    For WebSocket API, I only need config the Lambda authorizer for the connect route?

    Thank you!

1 réponse
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Ok, problem solved, looks like the Resource for all methods doesn't work for WebSocket API case (used code example for HTTP case). After I changed to use event['methodArn'] or 'arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:{aws-account-id}:{api-id}/development/$connect', it works.

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