Quicksight embedding SDK - get dashboard ID


We have a web app in which we embedded both the Quicksight console (for building) and dashboards (for visualization). Once a user build a dashboard in the embedded console, he needs to copy the dashboardID to a configuration in our web app and we used that id to be displayed in the dashboards embedding (visualization part). Is there any way of obtaining the dashboard ID from the embedded console iframe? I tried many ways, including viewing the frame source but this only works manually (not programatically via Javascript) due browsers security reasons.


demandé il y a 2 ans346 vues
1 réponse

Hi, @cbevilaqua

You can't get directly from an iframe due to JavaScript's cross-origin security restrictions.

You'll have to take another approach to get the dashboard id.

For example, when a user creates a dashboard, the AWS API should create a dashboard creation history.
For example, polling or picking this up with EventBridge and notifying the client.

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