Build Timeout Issue with npm i typeorm Command Execution in CodeBuild Environment


Hello AWS Community,

We've encountered an unexpected issue with our CodeBuild environment that has been causing build timeouts since yesterday. Specifically, during the Pre Build phase, we execute the command npm i typeorm, but it seems to hang up and eventually leads to a build timeout.

It's worth noting that we've been successfully running this command in our CodeBuild environment since the application was deployed in our infrastructure, and we've never faced this issue before.

To troubleshoot, we attempted to replicate the problem in our organization's AWS account, but surprisingly, the command executed successfully without any timeouts.

We're reaching out to gather insights and potential solutions from the community. Any assistance or suggestions on why this issue might be occurring and how to resolve it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help.

demandé il y a 3 mois159 vues
1 réponse


I understand that you are encountering an unusual issue with your CodeBuild environment which is causing build timeouts since yesterday specially during prebuild phase where you are executing the command npm i typeorm which seems to be hang up and will timeout eventually.

However, the same command executed successfully without any issues in your organization's AWS account.

Here I would like to inform you that there might be various factors for the build to timeout. Hence I request you to add "--loglevel=verbose" to your npm command "npm i typeorm" as it would help us identify if the command is getting stuck while reaching to some package over internet.

npm i typeorm --loglevel=verbose

Having said that if the issue still persists, I request you to please reach out to us via Support case as it requires deeper troubleshooting with build logs and the environment configuration.

Thank you !!

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