Lex Internal Server Error (deployed from Terraform)


I am trying to use Terraform to deploy an Amazon Lex bot that uses a Lambda function for fulfillment. I am able to deploy the bot with intents and slot types, and I can successfully build the bot for testing. However, when I try to test the bot, I receive an internal server error message.

The strange thing is, if I manually add a new intent to the bot, and build again, I am able to test all of the bot intents successfully.

Does anyone know if this is an AWS issue? Or if it is something that can be addressed in my Terraform files?


  • Hello, thank you for reaching out. Would it be possible for your to share additional details around the Lex version (V1 or V2) and API that you are testing with.

    Additionally, any details around the Error message would be great beneficial. Please feel free to message me directly regarding this and I can assist.

    Thank you for your time.

demandé il y a 2 ans53 vues
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