Lambda - not connected to VPC - has no internet access



I have created a lambda-function, but it seems to have no internet access. So, I created a new function, just doing a ping. socket.create_connection((host_to_ping, 80), timeout=timeout) response = { 'statusCode': 200, 'body': f'Ping successful {host_to_ping}' }

This always runs into an exception (timeout). I have assigned the AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole to this lambda.

I had yesterday played around a lot with my VPCs, Subnets, ... and maybe I messed up. But this Lambda is NOT connected to a VPC - so I understand it should have internet access by default?

What could be wrong?

Greetings, Hendrik

demandé il y a 5 mois194 vues
2 réponses
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Looking at the explanation below, I thought that it was not possible to send ICMP packets from Lambda.
Therefore, I think it is probably not possible to ping from Lambda.

Q: What restrictions apply to AWS Lambda function code? Lambda attempts to impose as few restrictions as possible on normal language and operating system activities, but there are a few activities that are disabled: Inbound network connections are blocked by AWS Lambda, and for outbound connections, only TCP/IP and UDP/IP sockets are supported, and ptrace (debugging) system calls are blocked. TCP port 25 traffic is also blocked as an anti-spam measure.

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  • Agree with Riku: ping is ICMP and ICMP is not usable in Lambdas


Thanks a lot, that explains it!

répondu il y a 5 mois

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