How to Save AWS DataBrew Job Output to a Static JDBC Table?


Hello everyone,

I have a question about AWS DataBrew job outputs. Is it possible to save the output of a DataBrew job into a static JDBC table rather than creating a new table every time the job runs? If this is possible, could someone please provide guidance on how to achieve this? I want to ensure that the data from my DataBrew jobs consistently goes into a predefined table.

Thank you for your help!

Here is a screenshot of the only options I see now: Enter image description here

demandé il y a 9 mois272 vues
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From a console perspective, referencing the official AWS Databrew documentation, in particular point 6, I can confirm that currently, only Amazon S3 output destinations allow for the "File output storage" setting to be modified.

In addition to this, from a programmatic perspective, if we reference the boto3 API documentation for AWS Databrew, I can also confirm that the only supported setting for Database Outputs, is to create a new table.

As such, it is not currently possible to alter the job behavior of creating a new table for each job run, when using a JDBC output location.

If you would like to request this feature to be added, may I please recommend submitting a feature request by following the suggested feedback steps:

  1. Navigate to your Databrew Console
  2. On the bottom left of the console page, please click on the "Feedback" link
  3. On the new window, please select the type of feedback to be "Feature Request" and complete the remaining information

Alternatively, please feel free to open a case with AWS Support, and request that this functionality be added for the Databrew service, and the relevant team will happily assist you.

répondu il y a 9 mois
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vérifié il y a 19 jours

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