AMI Linux 2023 PDO MariaDB Error


I have an AMI Linux 2023 running with MariaDB. I can't make a PDO connection from my PHP script to my RDS running MariaDB. I followed this tutorial to Install LAMP 2023:

The tutorial says to install following packages:

sudo dnf install -y httpd wget php-fpm php-mysqli php-json php php-devel

I assume that only


driver was installed for PHP but not the PDO driver. I am kind of new to AWS. How can I install the PDO driver on my instance? I looked up all available packages here: I located


package. Do I just need to run

sudo dnf install -y php8.2-pdo

? Do I need to make additional changes after installation?

demandé il y a 8 mois264 vues
1 réponse


What kind of error?
If it is a timeout error, there may be a problem with the network settings such as the RDS security group.
Please configure the inbound rules of the RDS security group to allow connections from EC2.

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répondu il y a 8 mois

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