Quicksight alert for a category column


We need to create an alert to track accuracy of our predictions and need to alert if the accuracy drops below a certain threshold. I see that QS supports alert on only specific types of visuals. I need help as to how I can use my data to create an alert. I have a column which is of category type - having 3 categories - 'correct', 'incorrect' and 'nan' . I need to track if the percentage of correct predictions drops below X on any given day, send me an alert. How can I achieve this?

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In order to achieve this you can edit your analysis and create a KPI chart of the amount of correct values. To do this please follow the steps below:

  1. Create a calculated field called 'CorrectAmount' using the calculation below - This calculated field will count the amount of 'Correct' fields there are in your category type column countIf({category type}, {category type} = 'Correct')

  2. Create another calculated field called 'TargetAmount' using the calculation below - This field is to count the number of rows you have to create a target amount for the KPI chart count(Amount)

  3. Add a KPI chart with the 'CorrectAmount' as the 'Value' field well and the 'TargetAmount' as the 'Target Value' field well.

You can then publish this as a Dashboard and add an alert for the KPI chart. Dashboard Alert

répondu il y a un an
  • How do I do it for each day? I have a column with the timestamp on it. I want to track this against each day and send an alert if the accuracy for that day drops below x%.

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