Can't delete workspace


I have a workspace that I need to delete but all options on the Actions menu are greyed out. I also can not view details of the workspace. If it helps, this is my only workspace so if there is an option to delete all workspaces, that would work to.

demandé il y a 2 ans644 vues
2 réponses


You can follow the steps outlined here on how to remove a WorkSpaces.

Since the options are "greyed out" the account you are using to logon to the AWS Web Console does not have the proper IAM permission to remove the WorkSpaces. Check for the IAM policy attached to your AWS User/Role for the account.

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répondu il y a 2 ans

Can you try with CLI and let me know if you have any issues aws workspaces terminate-workspaces --terminate-workspace-requests **wsb-YourworkspaceID**

Note: Deleting a WorkSpace is a permanent action and cannot be undone. The WorkSpace user's data does not persist and is destroyed. For help with backing up user data, contact AWS Support.

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répondu il y a 2 ans

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