What specifically is Amazon Redshift patch 178 changing for DECODE?


In the cluster patch notes for path 178 https://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/mgmt/cluster-versions.html:

The DECODE function replaces a specific value with either another specific value or a default value, depending on the result of an equality condition. DECODE now requires the following three parameters:

  • expression
  • search
  • result

The DECODE function already exists and was documented, what exactly is it that's changing vs the previous version?

demandé il y a 8 mois155 vues
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The only change I see is replacing the word "expression" with "function".

Refer the Internet Archive changes captured between February 2023 Vs. the latest page


profile pictureAWS
répondu il y a 8 mois
  • I guess they made it into a real function rather than SQL syntax, it isn't registered as one on previous versions according to system tables.

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