Character Import Using Mixamo/Fuse and Gepetto (3 Parts)


Wassup folks So for those of you who dont know me (probably most of you lol), I make tutorials on the "Cognitive studios" Youtube Channel...I've been making tutorials for lumberyard since month one of the engine's release basically, and thought I'd post the more Important tutorials I do here in the forums.If you want to keep up to date make sure you give a follow on the channel if you wish.

So these small tutorials are basically showing you how to get the character imported (mixamo or Fuse software), getting Gepetto up and running an appending animation to said character:

Character Import Part I

Character Import Part II

Character Import Part III

Thought we had youtube embed options?? anywho hope you guys find this useful and will be adding more as time passes, or you can keep an eye out for the youtube channel. Keep developing folks!

demandé il y a 7 ans264 vues
18 réponses

Awesomeness! Great work @REDACTEDUSER

répondu il y a 7 ans

Awesome stuff @REDACTEDUSER

répondu il y a 7 ans


Thanks for covering Mixamo/Fuse and Lumberyard! We certainly have gotten asks for it, and we appreciate you contributing to the community.

répondu il y a 7 ans


répondu il y a 7 ans

I have the model back under control. That was trying different settings to see if it would cause changes in the rig alignment. It no longer looks like "John Carpenter's, The Thing." Here's my setup for the skinned mesh. I think on the last export, I exported animations, even though there were none in the file. It fixed the falling through the floor issue, if I remember right. Tried so many different settings, it is hard to remember which did what at this point.


répondu il y a 7 ans

I am aware of all this, and have been up and down that page already. Unfortunately, with the heavy dependencies on Autodesk, it makes every other DCC out there that much more difficult to implement in the workflow with Lumberyard. I may send some info on to Shade 3D community, and see what they can come up with. I have a couple more ideas to try. I am not an animator, so without some kind of outside support for animation, this will pretty much put the brakes on anything I can do. I have some stuff from Carnegie Mellon that I will try and get implemented if I can't figure this out in the next couple of days. If that doesn't work, then I don't know what to do.

répondu il y a 7 ans

Sorry for the issues @REDACTEDUSER

répondu il y a 7 ans


répondu il y a 7 ans

Okay. I'm getting closer and closer, but it's going inch by inch at this point. I can get animations in, I can get the models to play the animations, but Shade 3D is messing up the animation when I bring it into Shade. I've recorded my issues and submitted it to the Shade community, so we'll see what they have to say about it. I think I have most of this stuff figured out now, and when I get it all nailed down, I'll be sure to write up/record a tutorial on this so that folks can get Fuse models in their projects and working correctly.

répondu il y a 7 ans

For those interested in what's going on with this right now:

répondu il y a 7 ans

Been struggling with character import from Fuse for days now. I get closer, and then I get further away. I thought I was having a bad day until I saw how my peasant's latest import went:


Came on here and did a search for Fuse, and found this thread. Followed your steps (I've tried this before) but run into the same problem I did when I tried it before. When I go to play an animation, he remains in the T pose and just drops to the floor.


It's driving me a little crazy at this point.

répondu il y a 7 ans

Well, I imported my zombie, and that is animating just fine, but I'm having the same stuttering issue as in your video. I believe the issue here, is the root bone. Fuse's root is the hip bone, and that's bouncing all over the place above the feet, which is why we can't just import straight from Fuse. I've been struggling to get a root bone attached in Shade 3D, and then port over into Lumberyard. But now that I see I must be having a problem with my peasant, I'll try it with the zombie and see if it works any better.

My peasant seems to be revolting before AI is even implemented. sigh

répondu il y a 7 ans

Nevermind, spoke too soon. Zombie is now revolting as well.

répondu il y a 7 ans

It has been a long day trying different settings and different approaches. I tried adding a bone, setting everything on that bone to 0, then childing the mixamo rig bones to it, then doing the same with the animation, but it is still stuttering off the floor, and now has some odd movement like the entire rig is misaligned. Same thing I ran into a few times while doing my Twitch stream.

répondu il y a 7 ans


répondu il y a 7 ans


Basically, your character skeleton will need a root joint that is on the ground between the character's feet. This would be the master joint / top of the joint hierarchy in your skeleton. Although I don't know what settings you have access to in Fuse, the orientation of this root joint is important for the character and how it behaves in the engine, as all of the transforms for all of the joints below it are calculated based on this joint's orientation. So sometimes when you see character setup errors that have propagated through the entire skeleton, this is actually a good sign that the fix just has to do with the root joint of the character, and once that is corrected, you would see the rest of the joint positions being calculated correctly and playing back animation in the right way. Hope this helps point you in the right direction.

répondu il y a 7 ans

Gotcha — thanks @ajf412! I've sent this over to the team for response :)

répondu il y a 7 ans

Checkout Lumbermixalot if you want to import Mixamo Characters & Motion into EmotionFX:

répondu il y a 5 ans

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