Use Custom Attributes in Mail template a hyperlinks


Hello, I am not sure,but in my endpoint I´ve defined a custom attribute, that contains a url as and I´ve tried it to use in my mail template with {{Attributes.LandingpageUrl}} but it seeems not to work. Are these attributes not accessable from mail template?

demandé il y a 2 ans300 vues
3 réponses


Can you kindly add some additional details for us when you mention that this setup does not work? What is the exact behavior that you are seeing? Are you seeing some sort of error when setting this up or is this not being substituted as expected?

Custom attributes should be supported in message templates as discussed here in our documentation. The format looks to be correct as wel. Therefore, can you kindly add some additional details as to what you are seeing and I'll try to see what may be causing that.

Also, are you only having issues with a particular custom attribute or for all custom attributes? Do other types of attributes work as expected?

répondu il y a 2 ans


I can complete this topic because I got the same problem and i can't solve it. Hope you can help us.

When I put a tag in my template with link as {{link}}, I got an error message in my email when I copy the link I got this : "x-webdoc://[alpha numeric character]/" and i can open this with the web browser.

répondu il y a 4 mois


I got it !

You must add "https://" when you want to assign your address to the attribute !

before : "link": ""

after: "link": ""

répondu il y a 4 mois

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