how to connect to an mysql comm server 5.7 on ec2 from another ec2 instance


I have installed mysql community server 5.7 on2 different ec2 instance. As root user created a user on server1 to allow access from the the other ec2 instance. (create user 'xxx'@'yy.yy.yy.yy' identified by 'zzzz' ; grant all privileges on dbxxx to xxx'@'yy.yy.yy.yy';)
bind address is set to in /etc/my.cin -> mysqld on server 1
when i try this command from server 2 to connect to server 1 mysql -u xxx -p -h server1IP and enter my password, the cursor just sits blinking and steady. beyond that nothing happens.

Not sure what i have missed or not done to get this working

Thanks for any help


Edited by: qcap on Mar 13, 2020 11:26 AM

demandé il y a 4 ans282 vues
1 réponse

i figured it out and resolved the issue

répondu il y a 4 ans

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