AWS EC2 Image Builder - Your requested instance type is not supported



I've setup an EC2 Image Builder pipeline, but I get this error every time I run the pipeline

Workflow Execution ID: 'wf-4299fe4c-bd8f-4f4c-8c2d-ecc05b79457c' failed with reason: An error occurred (Unsupported) when calling the RunInstances operation: Your requested instance type (m4.large) is not supported in your requested Availability Zone (us-west-1b). Please retry your request by not specifying an Availability Zone or choosing us-west-1a, us-west-1c. in workflow step LaunchTestInstance

I have tried it with various instance types, and it fails with the same error for each type. The instance types I have tried with are available in the region specified. SCPs are not restricting the allowed instance type.

I realise this is not a lot of info to go on, but if anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears, thanks.

demandé il y a 6 mois250 vues
1 réponse
Réponse acceptée

It's in the error message - the m4.large instance type isn't available in all the AZs in your region. See

$ aws ec2 describe-instance-type-offerings --location-type availability-zone  --filters Name=instance-type,Values=m4.large --region us-west-1 --output table
|            DescribeInstanceTypeOfferings            |
||               InstanceTypeOfferings               ||
|| InstanceType |  Location    |    LocationType     ||
||  m4.large    |  us-west-1c  |  availability-zone  ||
||  m4.large    |  us-west-1b  |  availability-zone  ||

(note that the real-world locations of where AZs 1a, 1b & 1c map onto are different in your account compared to mine, which could be different again for other people's. But the main point is the instance type isn't available in that AZ, but is available in other AZs in that region)

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répondu il y a 6 mois
  • Thanks for getting back to me, m4.large looks to be available in us-west-1b for me

    $ aws ec2 describe-instance-type-offerings --location-type availability-zone  --filters Name=instance-type,Values=m4.large --region us-west-1 --output table
    |            DescribeInstanceTypeOfferings            |
    ||               InstanceTypeOfferings               ||
    || InstanceType |  Location    |    LocationType     ||
    ||  m4.large    |  us-west-1a  |  availability-zone  ||
    ||  m4.large    |  us-west-1b  |  availability-zone  ||
    ||  m4.large    |  us-west-1c  |  availability-zone  ||

    I'm in the UK so I'll look into this again tomorrow, but thanks for the response.

  • No worries. And that is very strange - my output was from CloudShell in the Sydney region, and I get the same with CloudShell running in London, and also CloudShell in us-west-1 itself. And the same again on a long-running EC2 in us-east-1.

    I'll keep an eye on this question as I'm now interested to see how it goes.

  • I moved the subnet to the us-west-1a availability zone and Image Builder successfully launched a test instance. I'm not sure why my aws ec2 describe-instance-type-offerings came back as good for us-west-1b, but I'm glad its working now.

    Thanks again for your help

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