CNAME not working for single AZ FSx file system


I've created an FSx file system but I can't seem to access it via a cname. I can access it fine via the DNS name from Amazon. However, when I create the cname record if I browse to the root [cname]\ it comes back with "This folder is empty." If I include a share name like [cname]\IT it gives me a hard failure telling me, "windows cannot access [fileshare]".

The storage type is SSD and single-AZ 2.

Any suggestions or additional information needed?

demandé il y a 4 ans858 vues
2 réponses


Amazon FSx for Windows File Server now supports access to file systems using any Domain Name System (DNS) name of your choosing. See the Amazon FSx documentation for more information on how to access your file system using a CNAME record:


répondu il y a 4 ans

Thanks. Apparently I created my file system right as the managed DNS option came out. I had to create a new filesystem and that allowed me to set up the cname and it's working great now.

répondu il y a 4 ans

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