S3 Bucket Redirect Requests for an Object - Missing Colon in URL


I setup a redirect to object in a static webhosting S3 bucket. I specified my hostname as: mysite.com and specified https as the protocol.

When I click on the link to go to the redirected site in S3 static webhosting properties it redirects me to https://https//mysite.com

I've tried a bunch of varieties but the saved changes don't seem to work.

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Would it be possible for you to share a screenshot of the redirect settings?

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Under Static website hosting, choose Edit. Choose Redirect requests for an object.

In the Host name box, enter the website endpoint for your bucket or your custom domain.

For example, if you are redirecting to a root domain address, you would enter example.com.

For Protocol, choose the protocol for the redirected requests (none,http, or https). If you do not specify a protocol, the default option is none.

Do not put http or https in the host name. Use the protocol setting to specify https

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