Can we do write-object-if-not-exist in S3 similar to conditional put in Dynamo DB?


I have a use case, where I need to avoid overriding the objects. I do understand that because of the distributed nature of the S3, it might not available. Are there any tricks and hacky way to achieve not to override the object in S3 ?

Dynamo DB is also distributed, but it provides conditional put. Wondering what is the architectural difference between Dynamo DB and S3 ?

demandé il y a 2 ans4255 vues
2 réponses

S3 Natively does not have any conditions that would satisfy this for the PutObject but what you could consider is making a HeadObject request first and if the object does not exist (404 - requires the writer to have s3:ListBucket permission) then continue with the PutObject.

répondu il y a 2 ans
répondu il y a 9 mois

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