VPC endpoint for event bridge scheduler


I have a lambda function that gets invoked by event bridge scheduler. Inside my lambda function, based on certain logic I am creating an event bridge one-time schedule .

The issue I am facing is that the lambda lives in a private VPC and when I try to make an API call to create the event bridge schedule the API calls returns a timeout error. I am guessing this is because my private VPC does not allow communication to event bridge scheduler via Private link and I need a VPC endpoint for this.

However seems like there is not such VPC endpoint as listed in https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/privatelink/aws-services-privatelink-support.html.

Has anybody encountered this scenario before and came up with a solution?

Also does anybody know why there is not a VPC endpoint for event bridge scheduler?

1 réponse

Not all services have VPC Endpoints. EventBridge scheduler is one of them. It may come in the future, but no idea if and when.

For now your options are either to remove your function from the VPC (which may not be an option if it needs to access other VPC private resources), create a NAT Gateway that will allow your function to access the internet, and therefore the Scheduler API, or, you could also invoke another Lambda function (there is a VPC endpoint for Lambda invoke) that will not be attached to the VPC and will make the call to the API. You will need to do some cost comparison to identify which is more cost effective for your use case. For example, if you need to call the scheduler API once a day, you do not want to pay for the NAT GW for the entire day.

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