Elasticsearch Domains not updated after confirmed update process - no info - update now disabled


Yesterday we wanted to update our Elasticsearch domains to the latest software update (R20211203-P2) but after clicking on the update button and confirming it, the system acknowledged the decision and update only 1 of the 4 domains. Now I am in a situation where the dashboard shows me that the software is up to date but if I check the details of the single instances only one has the software update I was expecting. Also the instance update is the only one that showed a "update in progress" status after a while, the others didn't. The update option in the dropdown menu is disabled so I don't know if the server has been update successfully.

Do you have any suggestion or, if you were in the same situation, did you manage to sort it?

some images:

dashboard showing all domains up to date

one domain shows the "right" software update

one domain shows the old/previous software update and menu option is disabled

Who is telling the truth?

Thanks FL

demandé il y a 3 ans261 vues
2 réponses

Same problem: triggered the service update of one domain 11 hours ago, no errors, but domain still shows the old service release, and upgrade is disabled.

répondu il y a 3 ans

I think I have a similar issue too, same update R20211203, from the Notifications I can see that update started on December 27th, and as of January 5th there is no Notification detailing the completion of the update, as I can see on previous updates (there's always a "started" and "completed" event). It describes my current version as R20211203, but the data in my database has been lost prior to December 25th, losing over 14 months of data (gathered from environmental sensors etc.). If I snapshot my data it only goes back as far as December 25th or so. Worst thing is that I am on (expired) free tier, and so have no support...

répondu il y a 2 ans

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