AWS IoT SQL: What happens if I SELECT a JSON payload key that doesn't exist?



Let's assume I have the following AWS IoT SQL statement:

SELECT device, room, value FROM 'topic/subtopic'

and this runs over the following incoming payload:

"device": "sensor1",
"value": 34

Will the resulting output from this SQL statement be:

"device": "sensor1",
"room": "",
"value": 34


"device": "sensor1",
"room": "null",
"value": 34


"device": "sensor1",
"value": 34

or something else entirely? Or would the rule raise a parsing error or the like?

demandé il y a 10 mois266 vues
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Hi. It will be:

  "device": "sensor1",
  "value": 34

BTW, it's is quite easy to test things like this by creating a rule with a republish action, and then trying it out with the test client in the console.

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répondu il y a 10 mois

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