AWS client VPN - Self Service Portal 403


Hello all.

Recently our Self-Service Portal now displays 403 when we try to access it. This was working for a short period of time.

The error is not really that useful unless anyone can help me locate the logs for the Request ID provided.

Has anyone else experienced this before? Connecting to the VPN Endpoint has no problems, users can authenticate, we can access our delegated resources. But it's simply the Self Service portal which would be helpful for onboarding new team members.

Best Regards

demandé il y a un an1215 vues
1 réponse

Is the 403 error after you have authenticated?
If so then it due to the credentials you are providing, verify the credentials and ensure that the link between Client VPN is still valid.
if using SAML, make sure the role and permissions have not changed.

If the 403 is just when entering the custom url check what happens if you go to the main self service portal and enter your VPN Endpoint.

Also, verify that the VPN has not been re-provisioned.
If the VPN gets recreated, and there are lots of parameters that force rebuild, then it will have a new Client VPN ID and Self-Service Portal URL.

Hope this helps.

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  • Hi Robin,

    Thank you for your reply. It is the latter of the two. When going to self-service portal and entering the VPN Endpoint ID like you suggested we receive this error. Also when using the URL provided in the AWS Console for the Endpoint we receive the same.

    What's odd is this was working just fine for about a week, and then it stopped.

    Just to note, we use manually created accounts & SAML auth for the VPN but I see nowhere that suggests access limitation for access to the endpoint portal.

    Users have no issues connecting to the apps portal.

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