How to make video publicly shareable?


I have created a new Amazon S3 bucket and selected ACLs Disabled and uploaded an mp4 video file. How do I make the video publicly shareable? I am new to AWS and just want to keep things simple. Thank you

  • I want to stream the video through an evergreen webinar service, ideally using Cloudfront to help with buffering issues.

demandé il y a 7 mois245 vues
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If you want to share the video file publicly, you should create a CloudFront distribution and connect your S3 bucket as the Origin for your distribution. Look at the following documentation:

If you want to offer Video On Demand thru CloudFront, look at the following workshop that details how to encode and distribute video files using S3 and CloudFront CDN:

If you just want to share the video with just a few parties you can create signed URLs and share the URL's with the indented parties. Instructions to create signed URL are here:

répondu il y a 7 mois
  • Thank you Nuno. I do find the links hard to follow. There must be a simpler way just to make a file shareable in an S3 bucket. I can do it if I enable ACLs but the recommendation is not to and I don't understand how to make files shareable without using ACLs!

  • Hi Peter, Adding CloudFront in front of your S3 bucket is the easiest way and provides you at least 3 benefits:

    1. Caching of content at the edge and better performance for users when viewing the shared videos
    2. Reduction on costs since data being sent to the Internet from your S3 bucket is priced as Data Transfer Out
    3. Reduce the costs with the number of GETs because objects are cached in CloudFront

    Look at the following step by step instructions in this article under "Using CloudFront OAC for S3 Objects"

    It also has a video at the bottom showing how to do it.

    For S3 pricing and data transfer out costs see:

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