Launch Lambda function from Step function in different region


Is it possible to launch AWS Lambda in eu-west-1 region from Step function in af-south-1.

I am getting ResourceNotFound exception, but I am not sure I am missing some permissions, or it is not possible at all.

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You're getting ResourceNotFound because Step Function is calling the Lambda endpoint in af-south-1 to invoke the Lambda function; but it isn't there (it's in `eu-west-1).

One way to solve this is to have a Lambda function in af-south-1 that is called by the Step Function and the only job of that Lambda function is to invoke the Lambda function in eu-west-1. However, having a Lambda function synchronously call another Lambda function is considered an anti-pattern:

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répondu il y a 4 mois
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Yes, it is possible.

Have a detailled read of this blog post to have all the proper setup for such a use case:



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répondu il y a 4 mois
  • Hi Didier, the blog is referring to cross-account calling of Step Functions. But I am looking into cross-region call from Step Function to Lambda itself.

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