AWS SES. DKIM in email has wrong domain.


After all verification (easy DKIM option) I try send email. Via console it is work perfrect - DKIM record in test email has correct domain - my own. But when I try to do via API - it is contains "" (I see email in GMAIL via Show Original)

await _emailClient.SendEmailAsync(new()
				FromEmailAddress = "",
				Destination = new() { ToAddresses = new() { CreateAddress(email.ToAddress, email.ToAlias) } },
				Content = new()
					Simple = new()
						Subject = new() { Data = email.Name },
						Body = new()
							Text = CreateContent(email.Text)
			}, cancellationToken);

Should I use some extra property or missed some magic method in API?

demandé il y a un an253 vues
2 réponses

Cancelling my question. The reason was in different regions.

répondu il y a un an

This can also occur if you have the email address verified and have DKIM signing disabled for the email address identity. The more-specific email address identity takes precedence over the domain identity.

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