Cannot SSH to instance with AMI ami-04454150d004cb7a1


Hi folks,

I'm trying ECS with GPU, so I started with a p2.xlarge instance, and launched it with ami-04454150d004cb7a1, namely amzn2-ami-ecs-gpu-hvm-2.0.20230509-x86_64-ebs. However, I found that I could not SSH to it. Made sure the VPC security group is allowing all traffic. Tried p2.xlarge with other "normal" GPU-less ami and then was able to SSH. Could anyone confirm whether it's a problem with the AMI?

env: p2.xlarge EC2 machine, ami-04454150d004cb7a1, sg: allow all traffic, SSH user name: ec2-user.


1 réponse

If you are using Amazon Linux2, I think it is possible to connect using Systems Manager Session Manager, so one way is to grant the EC2 IAM role AmazonSSMMManagedInstanceCore and try to connect.

Since you were able to connect to other EC2, there may be a possibility that the SSH process is not started properly in the EC2.
Please check the EC2 logs to see if there might be any errors or other problems.

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