Using a Gitea Repository in aws code pipeline


Is there any possible way of Using Gitea in Codepipeline as there is no option of Gitea as a Source in CodePipeline

demandé il y a 7 mois298 vues
1 réponse


Gitea is not listed in CodePipeline's source action, so it probably cannot be used.

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répondu il y a 7 mois
  • Yes Exactly , So is there any other way to Integrate Gitea with CodePipeline ? I was using Gitea webhook and API Gateway Integrated with Lambda Function to store the Repo in S3

  • If Gitea allows you to use webhooks, I would use Lambda to zip the code to S3. If you can save it to S3, you can use it as a CodePipeline source, so I think that method can be used.

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