I could not configure the provisioned concurrency for my Lambda function.


Hi There,

  1. I have tried to configure the provisioned concurrency (PC) for my lambda function to increase the performance of my lambda application.
  2. As required i have selected the version of my lambda and tried to enter like 5 in the given input box of the Provisioned concurrency.
  3. When i enter the number that input box throws error like The maximum allowed provisioned concurrency is 0, based on the unreserved concurrency available (10) minus the minimum unreserved account concurrency (10).
  4. What should I do to configure the provisioned concurrency as 100 as i required.
  5. Why im getting The maximum allowed provisioned concurrency is 0 . Guide me to get fix this

Thanks in advance,

demandé il y a 7 mois326 vues
1 réponse

Hi, it seems that you don't have enough quota.

1.- Is the account new? 2.- Go to [https://us-east-1.console.aws.amazon.com/servicequotas/home?region=us-east-1] (Service Quota) -> AWS Services -> AWs Lambda -> Concurrent executions and as default should be in 1000. Note: if is not 1000, you can request the increase. follow this to open a request: https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/lambda-concurrency-limit-increase 3.- If your quota is set to 1000, Follow this steps to increase your lambda concurrences. Note: Provisioned concurrency can't be use with the $LATEST version of any function.

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