MemoryDB rouge slot in the cluster is causing issues


In my case

> DEL key "myCache::555_Fountain"
(error) CROSSSLOT Keys in request don't hash to the same slot

So I had to do the following

>CLUSTER KEYSLOT "myCache::555_Fountain"
(integer) 582
1) "myCache::555_Fountain"
1) 1) (integer) 0
   2) (integer) 16383
   3) 1) ""
      2) (integer) 6379
      3) "21124020458c23fdca68798ac3f6efc08005bc82"
   4) 1) ""
      2) (integer) 6379
      3) "096e0471a4f27402c43b3d76caaf0e9ee38e2d4d"

Where is SLOT 582 reside? How do I delete my key from that SLOT?

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