Lifecycle rules for permanently deleting delete markers in AWS Console


I'm trying to free up space on a bucket with versioning enabled. Versioning is only enabled because of the fear of losing files forever (files don't really get overridden).

I found this question answered on SO:

But the answer refers to the XML configuration, not how to achieve this using the console. Would this be the correct rule?

Enter image description here

It's very confusing expiration VS deletion.

Do I also need to enable "Delete expired object delete markers or incomplete multipart uploads"? 🤔


demandé il y a 7 mois288 vues
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Your rule will delete any old versions 30 days after then got over written. It will not retain a backup copy as you are retaining 0 non current versions.

If the file is deleted 30 days later it will be gone forever. If you need to keep a deleted file then set number of newer versions to retain to anything 1 or greater.

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répondu il y a 7 mois
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vérifié il y a 9 jours
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vérifié il y a 7 mois
  • I'm happy for the deleted files to be recoverable only for 30 days. What happens with the delete markers? They will disappear too if they don't have noncurrent versions? Thanks!

  • The underlying (non current) versions will be deleted if there is not current version left after 30 days.

  • Yes, I know all noncurrent versions will be deleted after 30 days. But what happens to the delete markers? Do I have to do something to remove them? Perhaps adding the "Delete expired object delete markers or incomplete multipart uploads" action to the rule? Thanks!

  • It doesn't look like it is possible to delete the delete markers after 30 days using the "Delete expired object delete markers or incomplete multipart uploads" action 🤷‍♂️

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