Gracefull shutdown doesn't work for processes started from user data script on ec2


Steps to reproduce

  1. I started an EC2 instance with a user data script.
  2. This script initiates my application.
  3. A graceful shutdown is implemented in the application (an HTTP request is sent upon receiving SIGTERM).
  4. I stop/reboot/terminate the EC2 instance. Expected: The application receives a SIGTERM signal and makes a request. Actual: The application does not receive any SIGTERM signal.

It seems like processes started from the user data script do not receive a SIGTERM signal on system shutdown.

What I've tried:

  1. Starting the process in the foreground (python3 /
  2. Starting the process in the background (python3 / &).
  3. Starting the process in the background with nohup (nohup python3 / > /dev/null 2>&1 &). None of these methods work.

What worked:

  1. Starting the process in the background via SSH (ssh <ec2 instance> 'nohup python3 / > /dev/null 2>&1 &').
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1 réponse

I think you will need to have your application running in a daemon mode.. Then you will need to place a K Script in the RC3.d folder so that when the instance recieves a SIGHUP, it can stop the application


I would have S script in RC3.d to start your application too on boot up which executes your 'nohup python3 / > /dev/null 2>&1 &'

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